Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Remember to stop and smell the roses

James and I had been stepping on each others toes all morning. I put a dish away, he pulled one out. I closed a door, he opened get the picture. So I decided to take him to the park by our house. I planned to let him play on the grass, but they were sprinkling fertilizer, and mowing. So, we went into the rose garden.

Here, I ended up getting some great pictures. James was thrilled to get some fresh air around such pretty flowers.
The red really compliments him, eh?
Okay, so it's a little hard to get a picture of yourself taken by yourself but that's alright. (Thanks Dad, for my long arms.) I thought this picture captured the moment perfectly. James and Mommy, smelling the roses. Just sending this post out to remind all my family and friends to stop and smell the roses!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Buy Stock in Hershey's?

Okay, okay I know it looks bad. Maybe Hershey's is the new gateway drug, who knows? But I thought it was okay if it got him to drink his milk... For you parents out there, I am sure you can attest to the daily battles at the highchair trying to get your kids to eat right. Well, I have found an easier way. I am now hooked on Jessica Seinfeld's book, "Deceptively Delicious."
James ate every vegetable under the sun until about 12 or 13 months when he acquired some kind of 6th sense and could find the one pea you hid in a cup of pudding and pull it out only to drop it over the side of his highchair while mocking you with cherub smiles as if to say, "I win, you lose!" So, one night, Tony and I stayed up to the wee hours of the morning making veggie purees which we now hide in everything from scrambled eggs to homemade ketchup, etc. The best part is he eats it and Tony and I glance over at each other with all-knowing smiles thinking, but not saying, "We finally won!"

Karen's Baby shower.

While in the Bay the week after Easter, James and I went to my friend Karen's baby shower. Karen and I worked together at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, NICU.

Here, Karen opens our gift.
Quite the ladies man, what can I say? I see lots of trouble with this as he gets older....

James' new attitude!

On a trip to Grandma and Grandpa Benson's house James got his first real pair of shades. Check out the new attitude! He kept them on the entire time he ate.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


James on Easter morning, the first Easter he cared to look inside the basket!
James' $1.00 Easter toy kept him occupied all day! "La la la la Elmo's world..."
After Church and before lunch we stopped by for a picture, Thanks Gabe and Lynn!