Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day

                                                            Me and my Mommy.  ;-) 
                                                                 Me and my boys.
                                                         James, Lucas, and Leeland.

                                                       Cutest little cupcake mouth!
We had a Mother's Day BBQ and my parents, brother, sister in law and nephew came over.  Thank you Tony for doing all the food and helping me clean (and for making me a mother over 5 yrs ago now!).  I had a great day!  Thank you Mom and Dad for the gorgeous Hydrangeas and treats.  Thank you Dan and Jaclynn for the yummy wine, cupcakes, and beautiful plant.  Thank you to my three little men for all your love, and teaching me to enjoy every moment! Love you all.

Lady Bug Hunting

Thank you to Grandma and Grandpa for the bug boxes.  Now the boys can go lady bug hunting!  They couldn't be happier!  They also learned an important lesson a few days after catching their lady bugs  . . . I noticed they were looking a little "grey" and we had to have the "if you love something you have to let it go" speech.  The boys were pretty receptive to it and we let the lady bugs go in our backyard.  ;-)

Luke's a Big Boy

Luke has been going pee on the potty for some time now but was afraid to go #2 on the potty.  The first time he went was at night before bed, after James and I told him he would get a Thomas The Train surprise for his efforts.  Why didn't we think of bribery sooner?