Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Oral Hygiene

Before James can go to bed James must makes sure Daddy's teeth are clean too.
Almost done!

James Mops

Only fourteen months old and he already knows how to keep mommy happy!

Beanie Baby

Tony was at school this morning when James found his beanie on the couch and actually put it on. Mommy had to straighten it out a bit for the picture and tada!

Pop's 95th Birthday

Everyone gave Pop a big round of applause as he blew out his 95 candles! Happy Birthday Pop, we love you!
Grandma Benson gives Tony and I a break while our little Bambino Italiano munches on a spoon! Thank heaven for Grandmas.
James knows how to keep the ladies close, with all that toddler charm!
Yes, that shirt says, "95 and available." Who else woulda thunk it, Darrell? Pop actually got a kiss from a lady on the way out of the restaurant who was significantly younger but similarly available.

Bath Time!

James was in an especially frisky mood this particular night, playing with the toilette paper and actually got it wrapped around his neck. All the kids will be wearing a toilette paper scarf this just wait and see.

After his bath James knows the routine! We brush our teeth. He gets so excited he wants to brush everyone's teeth.

Daniel's Birthday

Happy Birthday Daniel! Just look at the table manners on your nephew, wiping his mouth so well! Unfortunately, Tony could no be bothered to put his rib down for the picture.
I can't believe Daniel just turned 31 years old....almost over the hill...
Here are Mom and Dad, aka Grandpa and Grandma Benson, snuggling after a hearty liver and onions dinner!