Sunday, March 6, 2011


James brought home a lovely cold from school. We knew we were in for it when he told us after school one day, "Josh spit on me!" "Great!" Tony and I thought. (Do you sense the sarcasm here???) Sure enough, two days later everyone was sick...including Dominic. He had some wheezing and some trouble breathing so Tony took him to the ER while I stayed with James and Lucas. Dominic got a chest x-ray, a breathing treatment, and a swab for RSV. (which came back positive.) We were sent home with Albuterol so we could do breathing treatments at home. My poor little Dom Dom. He has been in such a good mood throughout this, and continues to smile and sleep well. Forgive me for not celebrating the occasion with pictures. I was a basket case. So nervous he would get admitted! Thanks for keeping it together Tony! I love you.

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