Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lucas is here!

February 22, 2009 I awoke at 4:45am and my water had broken! I woke Tony and he was a little surprised. I quickly jumped in the shower and had Tony pack James' last minute items. Luckily my friend Shaunna lives very close and could watch James while we headed to the hospital. By the time I got to Kaiser Roseville L&D triage, it was 6:45am. The doctor came to check me and confirm my water had broken I was dilated to 3, 80% effaced and -2 station (funny how they never believe the actual person it happened to.) After that I was transferred to L&D. I labored until about 12:00 or so with no progress so they started me on a "whiff" of pit. Then the pain began, I opted for an epidural which did not work except to numb my legs. My contractions were so intense I was throwing up, which only made the pain worse, but must have worked because I went from 5 cm to complete in 2 hours. Then I was ready to push. Pushing through contractions is definitely a lot better then breathing through them! A couple good sets of pushes and he was out, I had no tears and nothing to repair! Lucas came into the world at 6:18pm healthy, happy, and beautiful!

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ready for Baby...

Okay, the nesting instinct kicked in. My house is clean. All of the baby's things are set up and ready to go. Clothes are washed, folded, and put away. Suitcases are packed. Carseat is in the car. So, where are you baby? I feel very physically ready to have the baby especially since sleeping is an impossibility right now. It just feels like my pelvis is ready to snap in half. Despite my readiness to have the baby I keep reliving the birth of James in my mind. I am realizing that this is the last time it will be just us. As I welcome the new addition and all I know he will bring to the family I can't help but wonder how everything will change. I suppose I will know soon enough. I am so excited to be blessed with such a beautiful growing family and I can't wait to meet Lucas!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

I woke up this morning and made James a special Valentine's Day breakfast. He is a chocoholic like his parents so I made him heart shaped chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries, kiwi, and chocolate sauce. Mmmm...he ate everything except the kiwi. Because it's green of course! Then we opened up a few treats and went about our day. Tony and I got so much done. We cleaned the whole house top to bottom and got the bassinet, pack and play, swing, and carseat all set up for Lucas. Thank you to Tony for "nesting" with me. I know it must drive you nutty to live with me right now because all I want to do is clean and organize, but you've been very patient and helpful. When you said you would help me clean today it was like music to my ears, the most romantic gift ever! I love you. After James went to bed we cooked a dinner we ordered from Raley's together. It was scrumptious. The appetizer was baked brie with fig jam, then there was salad, bread, and for the main course mashed potatoes, filet mignon, crab, berinaise sauce, and asparagus. We are still waiting to eat our chocolate dipped strawberries. I just realized this entire blog was about food. Oh well, I'm pregnant. Food is pretty important to me right now! Hahaha. Hope you all had a great Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Baby Shower!

Lastnight was my baby shower, thrown for me by my girls from work. Thanks to Shaunna for planning, making the cutest favors, and waiting at the Cheesecake Factory for so long just to get a table! I had such a fun time, and it was really nice to celebrate the upcoming birth of Lucas. Also, thanks to my friend Sara for capturing all the great photos because, of course, my camera sat in my purse all night. And of course thanks to everyone in the NICU for coming and contributing, I work with a great group of people!
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Saturday, February 7, 2009

One Really Expensive Haircut...

Well, I decided to take a trip down to the Bay Area to see my parents and get my hair done before the baby comes. I hadn't had my hair cut since August and I gotta say, I felt like a million bucks leaving the salon. Here, James and I pose with our hair do's. However, it turned out to be a really expensive haircut when I went to leave and pack up the car and saw my bumper. Someone had hit it and just drove away while it was parked. Nobody left a note or anything. At first I started to get upset, and then realized that was the wrong kind of attitude to have. I realized I need to be thankful to God for his many blessings, and the fact that it wasn't a bad accident while James and I were driving. If ever in life I get upset about something, I can always think of my many gifts and blessings from God and realize that what looks like something terrible is really no big deal at all. Thanks again God, for giving me the perspective to see that I have so much to be thankful for. My family is happy, healthy, and together. There really is nothing else more important than that. By the way, thank you to Tony who always amazes me with his laid back, "Are you and James okay?" Me, "Yes." "Then it's no big deal." attitude. You help give me the right perspective in life as well! Love you.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

Tony, James and I went to our friend Pat and Shaunna's house for Super Bowl Sunday. Saturday night was the last night I was supposed to work before maternity leave, but I called in sick. I haven't been sick in so long, so this cold felt like a whopper, especially being pregnant too! Well, we had a good time at their house, chasing around the kids and all recovering from colds! The guys would've liked to see Arizona win, which almost happened! Too bad I forgot my camera, so I didn't get any pictures! Thanks too Pat and Shaunna for a good time and good food!
After Tony and I went to bed, I had gotten up to go to the bathroom, and on my way back to bed I stepped on what I thought was a splinter that sent a stabbing sharp pain through my foot. When i looked at my foot there was, what I thought was fuzz on my foot. Later I picked up the "fuzz" to see if it had a splinter in it since there was a red spot on my foot and it was a huge red bug! You can't see it in the picture but this bug is RED. Weird. Then I was paranoid that it might have shot some neuro toxins in my bloodstream that might kill me while I slept! So, Tony went online trying to figure out what it was, but couldn't find it. Thankfully, I am still alive to tell the story.... hahahaha