Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Overprotective Mommy?

Well, I finally got James out of the house today. We ran a few errands and then went to play at the pee wee gym. I finally got fed up with the bigger kids taking toys straight out of his hands that I finally told this one kid that he was rude and to leave James alone. I'm sorry but his mom was in the lobby, not even in the gym with him. It just makes me so mad when parents let their kids run around like that and don't even watch them. So watch out people Mrs. Tabacco might call your kid rude....or maybe I'll start ripping toys out of their hands because I'm bigger than them... hehehe Am I evil?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Where do the days go?

It seems these days are flying buy so fast lately with it getting dark out earlier and all. I have felt so tired it takes me longer and longer to recover from my weekends of work it seems. I guess thats just part of being pregnant. Boy am I looking forward to my maternity leave, weekends off and at least a little sleep each night! I am feeling a little guilty that I haven't been taking James to do very many activities lately but he has been such a good guy. Today I laid down on the couch with my head next to him and he rubbed my head, then he whispers, "Mama," and growls like a dinosaur. I couldn't ask for a better little buddy to have around than him! I love you James!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Buffalo Bills Update...

Okay, so we're not 5-0, but 5-1 is still pretty good. During the previous game with the Arizona Cardinals, our quarterback, Trent Edwards (Go Stanford!) took a bad hit and suffered a concussion. It kind of ruined the team mentally for the rest of the game, contributing to the loss. With Trent Edwards back after a much needed bye weekend, we scored a decisive win against San Diego, and are now considered "one of the teams to beat" in the NFL. The Bills haven't looked this good in over a decade and we definitely have high playoff hopes.

Bishop's Pumkin Farm

Here we are at Bishop's farm ready for a fun day! This pumpkin farm had been recommended to us by quite a few co-workers and friends. Definitely worth the trip.
The first thing we did when we got there was to ride the train! James loved it and kept Mooing at all of the cows along the way!
James had so much fun feeding the baby goats.

James pumpkin hunting. He even got a pumpkin for his soon to be baby brother! What a good big brother.
Here James and Mommy enjoy the hayride back after picking pumpkins. What a fun day! This is a great place to go for a fun day of pumpkin picking. There is so much to do, we didn't even see the entire place. The other fun thing there that we did not get a picture of were the pig races! So much fun!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Today I took James to our local Pee Wee Open Gym. He had such a blast. It's in a gym, and they put out all kinds of things like parachutes, tricycles, mats, balls, basketball hoops, and hula hoops and the kids have a blast! He played for a good 45 minutes or so and then he was starved so we went home for lunch and nap time. I've gotta admit, I was getting a little tired myself. As you can see, we still haven't broken him of the binky. He is so happy to sit with his binky and smell his favorite corner of his blanket. Hey, it may be weird but it works...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's a BOY!

We had the 20 week ultrasound yesterday and it's another BOY! We are so excited that James will have a little brother to play with! So far, the radiology tech says everything looks good and we can't wait to meet the new addition to our family. What a blessing it is!